Cody Rhodes Hints He May Be Considering Running For Senator In Texas

Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes has been a busy man since he left WWE in May. Rhodes has several indie dates announced, including appearances in EVOLVE  and the 2016 PWG Battle of Los Angeles. He’s also set to wrestle Kurt Angle in August, and he is appearing on the next season of Arrow. 

But could Rhodes also take his talent to the political arena? If you believe his Twitter account, the answer may be yes.

Who knows how serious Rhodes is about his political aspirations, but he sure does look like a politician. I mean just look at this picture that Cesaro shared of him. Doesn’t he look like the next Justin Trudeau?

What would Cody’s political party and core values be? One would have to think he would look after the “common man,” but he also may be inspired to prevent injustices in the legal system after binging “Making a Murderer” on Netflix.

Rhodes has a couple years to iron out his platform and values before the 2018 election comes about, but it’s not like he would be the first former pro wrestler who would take his talents to the world of politics (see Jesse Ventura et. all).  The only downside would be he would have a lot less time to spread his wings on the indy wrestling scene/Hollywood if he were to spend 40+ hours a week discussing legislation in Austin.