John Cena Delivers A Wonderful Message About Acceptance On America’s Birthday

John Cena, the wrestler, is divisive, and until the last year or so, alienated a huge section of the WWE fanbase because of his constant presence in the main event and his never-evolving character.

However, John Cena, the real-life person, is undeniably great.  If for some reason you needed more evidence beyond the fact that he has done over 500 Make-a-Wishes in his career, Cena has now become a spokesperson for diversity as he stars in a new PSA for that was released on Twitter July 4.

Cena, ever the patriot, took the time out on this Independence Day to tell everyone to cool it with the judging and offensive language towards those who are different than you, saying: “This year, patriotism shouldn’t just be about pride of country, it should be about love. Love beyond age, disability, sexuality, race, religion and any other labels.”

In case you’re wondering if Cena practices what he preaches, remember that he speaks fluent Mandarin and he’s openly spoken out against Donald Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims in the past.

Cena recently endorsed Jimmy Kimmel for Vice President, but maybe he should consider a run for the White House himself. Sure, it’s pretty late in the game at this point, but if I know anything about John Cena, it’s that he’s at his best when the odds are against him.

And courtesy of the Ad Council, here is an extended version of the video: