Kurt Angle Revealed His Shocking Secret On WWE Raw

Over the past several weeks, Kurt Angle has been distracted by a scandal that he claimed could “ruin him.” He promised to bring that scandal to a close by “coming clean” on this week’s Raw, and he did just that … by announcing that former NXT and Smackdown Tag Team Champion Jason Jordan is his son. If you’re keeping track, this is one of the possibilities we mentioned in our breakdown of rumor possibilities.

The segment was relatively quick, with Angle explaining that he briefly dated a girl in college and got her pregnant, but didn’t know about it. The woman put the child up for a closed adoption, and it turned out that kid got a lot of Angle’s best athletic gifts. Angle then revealed Jordan as his son, and the newest member of Monday Night Raw. The two embraced, and that was that.

Remaining questions include, “what does Chad Gable think about this, and did he know about it all along, and will it ever be mentioned on Smackdown,” as well as, “are we getting a new Team Angle” and “can we seriously just bring Gable over and repackage American Alpha as Team Angle already.”

Hey, if you don’t like the solution, at least it wasn’t Dixie Carter.