Listen To Big E Profess His Love For Becky Lynch’s Mom And Go Full Sexual Chocolate


Big E is sadly still out of action due to an injury, but continues to be one of the most entertaining WWE wrestlers through his behavior on Twitter, which he says is a document of his “mental decline & eventual demise.”

In addition to being snarky about Raw, the powerhouse of the New Day has embarked on a quest to win the heart of Becky Lynch‘s mom, a picture of whom is now his Twitter header. Behold:

Becky Two Belts has been playing along, and why not? The man can do a full split!

Today, Big E’s feelings for Mama Lynch expanded beyond the realm of Twitter and into the world of radio today when he called Sirius XM’s Busted Open radio. He spoke to David LaGreca and Mark Henry about how possibly becoming Becky Lynch’s stepdad could be cool because “she’s grown now, so I don’t have to pay to raise her” and is a champion.

E told Henry, “I don’t know exactly all of her likes and needs and turn-ons and turn-offs, but, you know, I’m going to get to the very bottom of all of that, Mark.” This led to E going full Sexual Chocolate as he told Mama Lynch that she’s “been running through my mind like you on a treadmill” and remarked, for anyone who couldn’t tell, that he has a lot of free time right now. Here’s hoping Big E continues to use that time to be hilarious as he heals up to return to the ring.