Here’s Your First Look At The Poster For Lucha Underground’s AUSTIN WARFARE At SXSW

Next Tuesday — oh my God, this is happening on TuesdayLucha Underground is invading Austin, Texas, for SXSW and running its first-ever live event outside The Temple in Boyle Heights. Earlier in the day, wrestling legend Rey Mysterio, Jr., and a handful of the minds responsible for the best wrestling show on television are getting together for a panel, entitled The Creation of Lucha Underground, and I’m honored to be hosting and moderating it.

One of the perks of being involved in the panel is that I got the first look at the AUSTIN WARFARE SXSW event poster, and I’m going to share it here. Everybody cool with that? Cool.

Lucha‘s promotional art is always on point, and this is no exception. Designed by the exceptional Kurt Volk and Paul Shipper, it looks like the poster for the most amazing science-fiction movie that never existed.

Now all I want is a giant Mil Muertes trying to eat an exploding Aero Star. Also, this confirms that Pentagon Jr. is going to be at SXSW. We may have Pentagon Jr. and Barack Obama in the same building. Make it happen, God!

If you’re anywhere in or around Texas next week and you aren’t at this event, you are certifiably bonkers. Here’s what you need to know, besides the “Pentagon might endanger national security” stuff:

We are excited to announce our most notable SXAméricas programming for SXSW 2016. Tuesday, March 15 will be jam-packed with sessions featuring Latino thought leaders like America Ferrera, Maria Teresa Kumar, and the creators of El Rey Network’s Lucha Underground, followed by the first live Lucha Underground event, Austin Warfare, later that evening.

The Creation of Lucha Underground will focus on the formation of the high-flying, action-packed new wrestling franchise that has taken the wrestling community by storm. Speakers include Rey Mysterio Jr. (Wrestler), Eric Van Wagenen (Executive Producer and Show Runner), Dorian Roldán (League Owner), and Cristina Patwa (El Rey Network). The panel will be followed by a live Lucha Underground event at Austin Music Hall on Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m., bringing the blood-pumping, chant-starting, fierce lucha libre drama and excitement to Austin.

The Creation of Lucha Underground
2 p.m. – 3 p.m. | Ballroom AB, Four Seasons

Lucha Underground Live
8 p.m. – 11 p.m. | Austin Music Hall