Watch Nikki Bella Return From Career-Threatening Neck Surgery At WWE SummerSlam

Back in January, Total Divas star and former WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella was sidelined with a neck injury that threatened to keep her out for at least six months, and possibly forever. Doctors have told Nikki that she’ll never wrestle full-time again, and her only appearance on WWE TV since was a short cameo during the WrestleMania 32 pre-show.

Whether it’s a return to full-time competition or not, Nikki Bella made her return to a WWE ring at SummerSlam. Alexa Bliss and Natalya found themselves down a partner following the wellness policy violation suspension of Eva Marie, who was written off the show with “exhaustion and stress” and sent on a month-long vacation. Nikki won the match for her team after hitting her new finisher — a fireman’s carry into a cutter, replacing the neck-destroying Rack Attack — on Carmella.

It’s great to see Nikki back in the ring following such a severe injury, even if you aren’t a fan of the Bella Twins.