CM Punk Has An Open Invitation To Join The Bullet Club

CM Punk isn’t doing much these days except training for a potential second UFC fight and ducking phone calls from The Rock. WWE crowds keep chanting for him, but he’s likely done with wrestling. If he DOES ever come back, though, he should seriously consider hooking up with the Bullet Club in New Japan and Ring of Honor.

In a recent YouTube Q&A, the assembled Bullet Club (or at least the Elite plus Adam Cole and Cody Rhodes) was asked whether they’d let Punk into their exclusive little group. The short answer is yes, and the longer answer is that Punk is one of the precious few who would still be welcome in their ranks. (Transcript via 411Mania.)

Matt: “I think he’s probably the only guy left that I would probably let into the Bullet Club. And Hulk Hogan.”

Kenny: “If that’s still an option, Hogan. The only other person that could touch Hogan, in terms of hype factor and someone able to contribute, it’s gotta be Punk.”

Matt: “I talk to Punk, he’s my buddy. We text every now and then. But I told him ‘whenever you want to come back, please text me, and somehow we’ll make this work out.’ I would love to work with Punk, he’s one of my favorites of all time. What a great talker. That’s the one thing missing from the indies, is guys who can talk like Punk.”

Adam: “He made me an indie wrestling fan.”

Cody: “Punk’s the best, man. When I got to Louisville, he didn’t have to be because he was the big dog there at OVW, but he was the only one bringing folks in, showing you around, helping you out. Honest, but not a dick about it. Punker’s special.”

CM Punk and Hulk Hogan in the Bullet Club? Hell yeah people, bring it on. If the Adam Cole-to-WWE-this-year rumors have any truth to them, the Bullet Club will have a vacancy again soon enough. Maybe that’ll finally be the time the Hulkster fills the shoes of three-time ROH Champion Adam Cole (baybay). Just like we all probably predicted.