Ryback Says He Invented The Shield Triple Powerbomb, And He Regrets It

It’s been a bit since we checked in with our old friend Ryback, but he’s still hangin’ and bangin’ and spillin’ the beans on his podcast, brother. He’s also out there on the indies having CM Punk-themed matches, but he always brings the thunder when he starts dropping behind-the-scenes tidbits about his WWE tenure on Conversation With The Big Guy.

On a recent episode, he revealed that he’s the one who gave The Shield their signature devastating triple powerbomb move … although it ended up backfiring on him. (Transcript via Wrestling Inc.)

“They needed a move, I remember, to put me down early on. I think it was that first… the pay-per-view before in Indianapolis, the triple threat [match] with me, [John] Cena, and [CM] Punk. And I had been powerbombing a lot of guys up till that point in different variations of powerbombs. And I said to them, ‘why don’t you do a triple powerbomb?’ because they wanted a move that all three could do …

“Goddamnit did I regret ever f*cking saying that because I received more triple powerbombs than anybody on the roster at that point. And they were all fine, but they triple powerbombed me through the table at the end of that one. And then, they did it in the match at TLC.”

In case you don’t remember that triple powerbomb at TLC, it was through a table onto the ring steps, and lord almighty, it looks like it suuuuuucked.

Thanks for giving us the gift of the triple powerbomb, Ryback. We’re sorry it caused you pain.