Steve Austin Thinks Kevin Owens’ Stunner Could Use Some Work

During the Royal Rumble pay-per-view on Sunday, Kevin Owens managed to retain his WWE Universal Championship against Roman Reigns, albeit with some timely help in the form of Braun “Beefneck Stompman” Strowman. Along the way, Owens busted out a new move (for him): a Stone Cold Stunner on Reigns, as you can see in the video above.

There was someone important watching him hit that Stunner, however: the originator of the move’s namesake (if not the move itself), “Stone Cold” Steve Austin himself. The Bionic Rattlesnake had to take to Twitter to let Owens know that his Stunner, in Stone Cold’s opinion, could use some serious work.

As usual, however, Owens was standing by with the absolute perfect response, which was both a lights-out rebuttal and 100 percent, perfectly in character.

… And visions of Owens vs. Austin matches that we’ll never, ever get to see flashed through the minds of every pro wrestling fan the world over. Maybe someday, WWE will (re-)sign Willie Mack, and he can be Austin’s Stunner proxy. Hell, that’s just as good, right?

… I mean no, no it’s not. But I’d enjoy it nonetheless. Anyway, let’s ignore all this bickering and just agree on one thing: that Yoshi Tonic from John Cena on Sunday night was possibly the best one in history. Don’t @ me, Gran Akuma.