Maria Kanellis And Mike Bennett Have Also Left Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling has probably had better weeks, all things considered. Drew Galloway left the company on Sunday, and Matt Hardy followed shortly after (and has almost certainly been joined by his brother, Jeff.)

Even though Impact is getting ready to film television for March in one of their marathon taping weekends, and even though incoming new heads of creative Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantel are about to fully take over for the first time since Impact ownership changed hands, things appear to still be rocky as far as the roster is concerned.

On Tuesday, PWInsider reported that Maria Kanellis and her real-life husband, “Miracle” Mike Bennett, are leaving the company as well. What makes this news particularly interesting is that less than one week ago, WrestleZone reported that the couple would be re-signing with TNA on one-year deals. It’s unclear whether that report was just in error, or if things fell apart disastrously in the past week. Given some of the unsavory details that have come out regarding the Hardys’ contract dealings, this is a pretty bad look.

Granted, Maria and Bennett aren’t the biggest names on the roster, and Kanellis loudly proclaimed last year that she is likely leaving wrestling for good soon. Still, Impact can’t keep leaking talent like this and intend to make strides forward and change the perception of the company, which is what they claim they want to do in 2017 and beyond.