Previously on 205 Live, Mustafa Ali defeated Aryia Daivari, “Gentleman” Jack Gallagher and The Brian Kendrick defeated some jobbers, Buddy Murphy couldn’t make weight, and The Lucha House Party bested Hideo Itami and Akira Tozawa in an amazing tornado tag match.
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And now, the Best and Worst of WWE 205 Live for April 24th, 2018.
Best: Gauntlet Legends
So, like most of us assumed, the entire episode was just the gauntlet match. It was a pretty great show from top to bottom. In lieu of going in sequential order, let’s just talk about what worked and what didn’t.
Best: The Competitors
This was probably the best possible outcome of picking five 205 Live superstars. In my dream booking scenario, Daivari uses his wealth to pay off whoever had the final spot to take their place and pick up an easy, cheap win – Daivari Dinero would get NUCLEAR HEAT in Saudi Arabia, but I also understand why the WWE would maybe want to avoid anything that could be uncomfortable at their new cash cow. (Which is why my dream pick for winning the Greatest Royal Rumble match — Sonya Deville — is probably a no-go too.)
I’m actually very glad that neither Hideo Itami nor Akira Tozawa made it into this gauntlet match. Not that they don’t deserve it — especially Tozawa, who has been a 205 Live MVP in the Drake Maverick era — but it’s nice to take a little break from the Team Japan/Lucha Casa Fiesta blood feud.
It would have been nice to see TJP really nerd heel it up, just embrace the Gauntletness of it all. Just detonation kicking people while screaming how the wizard needs food badly.
Best: Trust The Process
Once Mustafa Ali entered to start the match, I just assumed the Heart of 205 Live was going to heart his way into a gutty performance where he outlasts them all and earns his shot. How happy was I when The Philadelphia Stretcher instead just beat the shit out of him and choked out his unconscious body in the middle of the ring. I’ve been fairly vocal in my displeasure in the post Enzo character change to Drew Gulak, but the last few weeks have proven me, if not wrong, then at least misguided. Drew knows exactly what he’s doing, and slowly adding in some of the “For A Better 205 Live” elements to the character after getting the ruthless submission specialist stuff established is a good move.
I would have loved for Drew to go all the way and win the title shot, but I understand why. Drew Gulak versus Cedric Alexander is a money feud, and blowing that first title match on a glorified house show seems like a waste. Some more cynical people out there were talking about how Drew Gulak couldn’t win because of certain anti-Semitic ideals that may or may not be prevalent in Saudi Arabia, but I don’t believe that for a second. I mean, Drew Gulak already single-handedly defeated anti-Semitism.
Unless you’re telling me I got worked.
Best: More Abs Than Brains
The real best thing about this gauntlet match is that it was able to further some character work and story lines completely unrelated to the title scene. This was Tony Nese’s opportunity to get his revenge against his former best friend AND get a shot at the championship, but his hubris got in the way and ruined his chance at both. That’s some storytelling 101, but it’s surprising how often pro graps mess up even the simplest stories.
Nese and Gulak can have a strong program while Cedric, Buddy Murphy, and maybe Mustafa Ali figure out what they’re doing with the title. Maybe Tony Nese gets his revenge or maybe Drew Gulak never gets his comeuppance, either way they will both be doing something worthwhile and well earned, which is the mark of a good wrestling show. With a one hour show, there should never be wrestling for the sake of wrestling.
Best: The Eventual Winner

You can save so much money on pyro by just stocking up on noise makers and confetti poppers. Look at how happy Gran Metalik looks. When was the last time you were that happy?
Out of all the people in this match, Kalisto was the best possible winner. It saves a Mustafa Ali rematch for something with more build and it saves a Drew Gulak title feud that can run for a month or so. And, honestly, I don’t know how popular 205 Live is around the world. I feel like if you’re reading this we’re in a little bubble that really cares about this show. If you don’t care about 205 Live, Kalisto is probably the only wrestler on the roster you know. I mean, the dude beat Braun Stroman in a dumpster match. The Lucha House Party are fun and give the crowd something to chant along with, and, let’s be honest, as much as it hurts this hear, match is probably getting eight minutes before the show starts.
(The previous paragraph has been edited for clarity.)
Next week: Hopefully Buddy Murphy has been drinking his YJ Stinger and makes weight.