There Will Be A Second Season Of WWE Network’s Edge And Christian Show

If you’ve watched more than a little bit of WWE Network (and I know you have, don’t even try to deny it), you’ve either seen 150 bumpers for The Edge & Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness, or you’ve watched at least one episode. I’ve watched all of them. I don’t care what you think of me; I’m not ashamed.

The first thing about the Edge and Christian show is that it’s not nearly as bad as you might fear it would be. In fact, many parts of it are extremely entertaining. Many other parts are barely watchable and embarrassing, but overall the good far outweighs the bad.

So for those of you who were hoping there would be more episodes, good news! Christian spilled the beans on season two during an interview with Sports Illustrated. It’s in development, and Christian has a specific goal for the second season: winning the Chumpstain Challenge.

“Season two is in development stages, so there is nothing definite in terms of a date,” said Christian. “We are laying out the content that’s going to go into the show, but I was also robbed in the ‘Chumpstain Challenge’ [trivia contest against Edge] and I’ll be looking to redeem myself in season two.”

So if you couldn’t get enough jokes about how Tommy Dreamer is a gross human with few redeeming qualities, there’s your good news for the day.