When WWE SuperCard dropped on mobile devices way back in 2014, it was quickly downloaded and played by a whoooole bunch of people. To date, the game has been downloaded over 16.5 million times, and there is a large swath of seriously dedicated and committed SuperCard players who compete on a daily basis.
We’re now well into the fourth “season” of the virtual collectible card game. Tweaking the game when needed or when certain components become clunky is obviously a delicate balancing act, and considerations have to be made for hardcore and casual players alike.
To that end, Cat Daddy will be releasing a big update to the game this week, just in time for WrestleMania 34, and naturally it will feature a new tier of WrestleMania 34 cards, which will be the new highest tier of cards you can accumulate. Oh, and they look absolutely gorgeous, with animated confetti and Mardi Gras masks to give you that full New Orleans feel.

That’s the most visible change that will be coming in the new update, but there are a handful of other significant changes coming that are meant to improve gameplay, performance, and ease of use.
Increased WrestleMania 34 tier stat tokens. As you level up your cards, you can spend tokens every five levels on improving a stat. Previously, there were only three token slots per attribute on all cards, and on the higher-tier cards it was possible to max out pretty much everything on every card. To improve customizability and strategy (and the upper-echelon nature of the new cards), the WrestleMania 34 tier will be the first to feature five token slots per attribute. The five-slot stats will only appear on WrestleMania tier cards going forward, starting with this latest tier.
A simplified and streamlined menu screen. At this point, SuperCard has a BUNCH of game modes and options, between events, casual play, the store, the card catalog, quests, ladder rewards, the fusion chamber, and on and on. In this new update, Cat Daddy wanted to make sure that no matter how much they add to the game, it will still be easy to navigate. To that end, they’re simplifying things quite a bit.
Simplified Store. Speaking to the above point, the store had become a bit overrun with types of packs and tiers of packs to buy, and those were starting to get a little daunting to players trying to decide what’s best to spend their tokens on.

Stats at a glance. There will be a new, streamlined stats screen for cards, where you can easily see how maxed out your cards are, which tokens are used up, etc. Certainly handy for when you’re trying to keep track of just how jacked your cardboys are getting.
Free packs every four hours. This might be the biggest change in this update, especially to new and casual players. The store will feature a section where you can claim a free pack every four hours. If you watch an ad, you can claim an additional pack before the timer resets at the four-hour mark. Every pack contains a rare or better card, and two credits. Two credits is a drop in the bucket, but if you continue to log in and watch ads, you can accumulate a decent number of credits at a pretty steady rate.

Assorted improvements. There are a lot of other little tweaks, like unclaimed completed quests no longer disappearing at the beginning of a new day if you forget to pick them up, new ladder rewards and achievement rewards, a new app icon, and small tiny improvements you’re not likely to notice through casual (or even intense) play.
All in all, it’s a solid batch of improvements and updates to the game, which still manages to hustle out the content despite being close to heading into its fifth year of existence. As a casual player, the free packs especially are exciting, and those WrestleMania 34 cards are mighty enticing. The update will drop on Wednesday, so hit that prompt to update if you’re a player.