Ask Alan, Episode 1: Movie stars on TV, ‘Constantine’ & more

Back in the spring, I found myself working at HitFix’s LA offices for a few days, which would ordinarily have been an opportunity to tape an in-person episode of the Firewall & Iceberg Show. But with Fienberg out of town for my visit, we instead recorded a variant on our Ask Drew series, with Drew McWeeny asking me questions instead of fielding them himself. It was a fun experience, and when we decided later in the year to put the video show on the shelf (possibly to return one day when the 3,000 mile distance between the two hosts is less technologically cumbersome), I wanted to give the Ask Alan thing some more burn.

So welcome to the first installment of what will hopefully be a regular and long-running (but short in terms of each episode) video series, in which I take your questions and try not to ramble too much in answering them. I put out a request on social media last week for questions for this inaugural show, and I wound up talking about the recent spate of movie stars doing TV, whether my feelings about “Constantine” have changed, and where I might put “Game of Thrones” in the pantheon of best-cast TV shows. I don’t know that I exactly answered that last one, but I came within hailing distance.

Going forward, you can send questions to, and please put “Ask Alan” in the subject line. Or, to make your life easier, click this email link and it will do all of that for you. You just have to write the question yourself – and, as with the days of the Firewall & Iceberg video show, the more concise you can make your question, the better. Hope you enjoy, and I look forward to many more graphic t-shirts episodes in the future.