Because of the current NFL lockout, players are restricted from using team practice facilities, which means that they’re on their own when it comes to keeping in shape and not turning into Ron Dayne. Take Greg Olsen, for instance, who recently tried to hit up the field at Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Olsen said that he’s used that field quite a few times, but for some reason they kicked him off this time and he totally doesn’t understand why.
“The other day I got kicked off a high school field trying to go out and do some field work, so it’s not easy,” Olsen said Thursday on “The Waddle & Silvy Show” on ESPN 1000. “You have to find your spots and find someone that will let you use their field.
“[Players] already have done some research on some different places, and maybe as it gets a little closer [to training camp] if it looks like that’s what we’re going to have to do not being able to go over to Halas, then we’ll have to continue to look at different opportunities.” (Via ESPN)
It probably didn’t help his cause that Olsen showed up to use the field during a school day and while a physical education class was being conducted. An administrator also said that Olsen challenged the teacher when he asked him to leave, but the main concern is that the school would be held responsible if Olsen hurt himself, and it’s sort of a distraction when a NFL player is running around a high school. It also didn’t help that Jay Cutler showed up…