If there were ever a bandwagon to jump on, a wave to ride, a cat to copy, it’s the trend of companies moving swiftly toward sustainability by cutting out “virgin” plastics. The term appropriately describes brand new plastics including polyester that companies create or buy for the very first time (Madonna voice) to use in products because they dry quickly and don’t weigh much. Now, in what is a massive shift, Adidas is pledging to completely phase out virgin plastics and replace them with recycled plastics by 2024.
It may seem like a long time to wait, but keeping in mind all the products that a massive brand like Adidas offers that might contain those plastics, it’s actually a massively ambitious goal. Not to mention, Adidas isn’t just planning on removing the plastics from their products, they won’t even use them in their offices, retail outlets, warehouses, and distribution centers, saving an estimated 40 tons of plastic per year, starting in 2018.
Adidas isn’t entirely new to this, though, as their line of Parley shoes is already made with plastic waste that has been intercepted before it reaches the ocean, and their apparel line for next summer is already set to use 41% recycled polyester. Starbucks has been in the news for striving for sustainability as well, eliminating plastic straws and planning to move to “adult sippy cups” in a move that will save 1 billion straws a year from hitting landfills. While these moves may not singlehandedly save the planet, they’re taking the initiative to do their part in whatever ways they can, and leaving the other sneaker brands with some big shoes to fill.