When it comes to Vine magic tricks, I think Zach King has us all beat. At least someone competent in all things Vine and magic would say that. I’m certainly not an expert in an either because I hate being in front of the camera and I like having a social life.
Magic kills a social life and it makes your genitals shrivel into some sort of frostbitten maelstrom of loneliness. A fact I believe proves Harry Houdini’s death wasn’t an accident. He wanted it to happen. Keep that in mind, boys and girls.
Still, it is amazing what one can do on Vine these days and most of the tricks in this video are fairly entertaining. Watch as King rips a kitten directly from the computer screen, jumps through a locked car door, and turns a Rubik’s cube into tiny bouncy balls. It’s the kind of stuff that would make Georges Melies piss his fancy French pantaloons.
The only criticism I have to offer here, aside from dusty ass genitals, is that the videos are all shot vertically. Sure that might be the general Vine format, but could we not get away from that? Break the chains of vertical filming and embrace a more horizontal world.