A Visual Compendium Of Notable Haircuts In Hollywood

Here’s a fun graphic from Pop Chart Labs outlining the hair — and just the hair — of famous characters in film. Because, you know, we all obsess over hair, especially those of us who are follicly-challenged (not me, of course, but those of us who are).

Testing yourself to see how many you can correctly identify before clicking to enlarge is a fun game to not only gauge your pop culture skill level but also how much free time you have on your hands. Sadly, I was only batting .500 until I got five rows down and really entered my wheelhouse. From there on it was fish-in-a-barrel. The Edward Cullen inclusion is almost unforgivable, but I have to the say they make up for it with the likes of Anton Chigurh, Patrick Bateman, Ernie McCracken, and Walter Sobchak.

Pop Chart Lab via The High Definite