Conservatives Are Now Upset With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Because She…Enjoyed Dancing In High School, Or Something

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became the youngest woman in U.S. history to be sworn into congress today, in what was undoubtedly an inspiring moment for young women across the country. So unfortunately, this is likewise a big day for conservative trolls who have been hounding Ocasio-Cortez online for months now, ever since she earned her party’s nomination back in June leading up to becoming elected to New York’s 14th congressional district in November.

In this latest episode, a member of QAnon dug up scandalous old high school or college video of the now-congresswoman and posted the footage to Twitter. How scandalous, you ask? Smoking pot? Underage drinking, or even using foul language?

No — even worse. She was having fun dancing around with her friends.

And this wasn’t just any dance, but — as she apparently went by back then — “Sandy” and her friends were recreating the exact dance sequence from The Breakfast Club; a film obviously about juvenile delinquents. How dare she not take her eventual political career into consideration when partaking in such a flagrant display of teen irresponsibility?

Of all of the attacks from the far-right, from remarking on her wardrobe to her political beliefs to even the so-called affluent area in which she attended school, this might truly be the saddest reach of them all — as many pointed out on Twitter as the Ratio on the tweet exploded.

Ocasio-Cortez has yet to clap back at this latest attack on her character, but honestly, some things may be better left unsaid.