Move Over, ‘Infinity War,’ Because These Are The Actual Most Ambitious Crossovers Ever


Even by Marvel standards (remember: one film is literally called “Civil War”), Avengers: Infinity War is crazy ambitious. It’s the culmination of the 18 previous films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; there are somewhere between 70 and 23,048 characters; and the plot description includes the phrase “bend reality to his will.” But all the “can Marvel pull it off?” hype and speculation is clearly working, as Infinity War (which had its release date moved up) is breaking records for advance ticket sales set by… the last Marvel movie, Black Panther.

Speaking of Wakanda: the most recent Infinity War trailer shows the introductions of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Iron-Man (don’t expect him and Star-Lord to get along) with Spider-Man, as well as Captain America with Black Widow and Black Panther. Those are moments Marvel fans have been wanting to see on the big screen for years, if not decades, and they’re finally happening. But are they the most ambitious crossover events in history? Hardly.

With all due respect to Doctor Strange dramatically trimming his goatee around the Hulk and Scarlet Witch, who’s texting Drax the Destroyer to see what he wants on his pizza, Infinity War ain’t got nothing on that time the Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made peace, or when Urkel was a nuisance to the Tanners on Full House. These are the real epic crossovers.