After the birth of her newborn daughter three weeks ago, social media queen Chrissy Teigen is getting the hang of motherhood and documenting every moment on her beloved Twitter and Snapchat accounts. Just last Friday, she tweeted how she had to spray tan around her breast pump outline because of course the model needs to keep her dewy glow while making sure little Luna Simone is well fed.
But Teigen’s spray tan may have back-fired — as she posted a Snapchat photo over the weekend of previously all white sheets that were now covered with an orange body print. She captioned the tanning fail as “spray tan diaries.”
Teigen takes all of her “new mommy” woes in stride telling a Twitter user she’s not worried about being roasted.
On Sunday, Teigen’s hubby, John Legend, celebrated his wife’s first Mother’s Day by sharing a few beautiful photos of her and their daughter on his Instagram page. One of the captions read as follows:
To my wonderful wife, @chrissyteigen. Luna and I are so lucky to have you in our lives. If our daughter can be even half as awesome as you, I will be so happy and proud. Happy 1st Mother’s Day!
It also looks like Teigen’s post-pregnancy body is quickly bouncing back. Legend shared a photo of the midriff-baring model cooking a special Sunday brunch.