If ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ Gets Remade, Fans On The Internet Have Some Better Ideas


Star Wars: The Last Jedi just started streaming on Netflix today, but not everyone seems to be happy about it. First there was the “De-Feminized Fanedit,” a 46 minute-long edit that removed several scenes with female characters, resulting in a cut that made no sense but was totally alpha or something. Speaking of alphas who definitely aren’t creeps, supposed “fans” of Star Wars reportedly harassed Vietnamese-American actress Kelly Marie Tran (who played Rose Tico) to the point where she left social media earlier this month. Keeping up with the theme of “having a normal one” online, a Twitter campaign started last Wednesday to remake The Last Jedi. The Twitter account claimed to have a “team of producers” willing to cover the $200 million budget to remake the movie to “save Star Wars,” a promise that prompted funny responses from Seth Rogen, director Rian Johnson, and others.

The jokes have continued on Twitter all week, with other people offering up their own ideas for a Star Wars: The Last Jedi remake:




Some people’s remake ideas focused on getting their faves to make out:


Some uncovered conspiracies:

Others kept their eyes focused on the future:


Some maintained a positive outlook:


But some remain skeptical: