Out of all of George Santos’ shady dealings so far, the most damaging story involves a particularly despicable allegation that he ran off with the money from a GoFundMe account that was supposed to go to a veteran’s sick dog. While Santos has denied the allegation, that has not stopped the FBI from getting involved.
According to Richard Osthoff, the former service member who Santos allegedly defrauded leading to the death of his dog, federal agents in the Eastern District of New York are reportedly investigating the incident. In a move that should concern Santos, Osthoff has already provided the feds with evidence. Via Politico:
Osthoff gave the agents text messages from 2016 with Santos, who he says used his plight to raise $3,000 for life-saving surgery for the pit bull mix, Sapphire — then ghosted with the funds, as first reported by Patch.
“I’m glad to get the ball rolling with the big-wigs,” Osthoff said in an interview Wednesday. “I was worried that what happened to me was too long ago to be prosecuted.”
In addition to allegedly stealing from a dying dog, Santos’ campaign finances are also facing intense scrutiny thanks to several questionable transactions. The newly elected congressman has struggled to find a new treasurer who’s willing to sign off on his Federal Election Commission disclosures, and that’s because his records are full of all kinds of strange items like dropping $26,000 at an Italian restaurant in Queens. But that’s not all. According to Insider, Santos’ campaign reportedly still owes the establishment an additional $18,773.54 for an election night event.
For the math challenged, that’s nearly $50,000 at the same restaurant that Santos oddly kept frequenting. Could it be nothing? Possibly. But with Santos, the benefit of the doubt went out the window several lies ago.
(Via Politico)