This Charming Woman Gives The Most Riveting Instructional Handjob Video

If you’re not familiar with Adina Rivers, this video may seem a little too enthusiastic, but you’ll soon be a fan. Her instructional video collection includes tutorials on risqué topics like how to massage lady parts and more boring stuff like how to maintain relationships. In this video, Adina shows her audience how to achieve the perfect handjob. Her teaching methods are altogether unorthodox, as any viewer shall see. Adina covers herself in strategic body paint and turns on a blacklight, which presumably fosters a more “educational” vibe.

The entire video is bizarre, from Adina’s Kumbaya attitude to her visual gimmicks. Watch, and you will learn not only the rote steps to a perfect handjob but also her advice that this act isn’t simply a “job.” Adina cares too much, so she always delivers a handjob by using her heart as a guide. She also preaches the importance of fostering “good energy” to create the perfect aura to deliver a mind-blowing handjob. Adina covers different methods according to circumcision and reveals her five secret hand moves. The entire video is rather hypnotic, although Adina may be overthinking the entire process. Regardless of her true abilities, she delivers one hell of a lecture.

(Via Adina Rivers on YouTube)