Liz Cheney Calls Out Fox News (While On Fox News) For Pushing Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

As part of her continuing efforts to break Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party, Wisconsin Congresswoman Liz Cheney called out Fox News while on Fox News. The contentious exchange went down Thursday evening when Cheney sparred with Special Report host Bret Baier after she blasted the network for continuing to push the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from Trump.

“We all have an obligation, and I would say Fox News especially, especially Fox News, has a particular obligation to make sure people know the election wasn’t stolen,” Cheney said.

Baier became particularly incensed and noted that his show has said that the election wasn’t stolen “numerous times,” which is true, but he can’t say the same for the rest of the network, especially the Trump-friendly shows Fox & Friends and Hannity. Naturally, Cheney wasn’t having it, and she let Baier know that he’s doing the interview, and she’s answering the questions. Via The Wrap:

“We need to make sure that the American people recognize and understand that the election wasn’t stolen, that we shouldn’t perpetuate the big lie and that there is real danger.” She further explained, “If we want to be able to defeat the really bad Biden policies, we have to attract voters back to us … the voters who left us by making clear we know the election wasn’t stolen and we are going to abide by the rule of law.”

Cheney’s fiery words arrive on the heels of congressional Republicans ousting her from her leadership position on Wednesday over her refusal to appease Trump by questioning the integrity of the 2020 election. Later that same day, Cheney was criticized by Sean Hannity who argued that the congresswoman wasn’t “canceled,” but instead, “fired” for being “psychotic” because she wouldn’t go along with the “party’s agenda.” Considering that agenda involves loyalty to Trump, it would appear Cheney had legitimate cause for calling out Fox News directly to its face.

(Via Acyn on Twitter)