Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Compares Trans Bathroom Rights To The Moon Landing And The Internet Pounces

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Last Friday, the Obama administration sent a blanket directive — ordering transgender access to bathrooms of choice — to all schools. The letter does not carry the power of the law, but instead, simply interprets Title IX of the United States Education Amendments of 1972. However, the directive functions as a threat to remove public funding for districts that refuse to obey a set of guidelines for school bathroom and locker room facilities. In sending this letter, Obama hoped to shield schools from the onslaught of anti-LGBT bathroom bills, which were organized by the Liberty Counsel and are taking root in many states, including North Carolina.

Well, some Texas officials immediately declared that the state would rebel. Governor Greg Abbott said the Lone Star State will fight back, and he accused President Obama of twisting the Civil Rights Act.

On Tuesday, Abbott kept the war alive. He took to his personal Twitter account and tapped, “JFK wanted to send a man to the moon. Obama wants to send a man to the women’s restroom.” Abbott would love to get our country back on the straight and narrow, but one wonders if he tweeted from the bathroom. This is a valid question.

Naturally, the responses to Abbott’s tweet were pretty priceless, and he wasn’t the only Texan public figure being dragged on Twitter today.




This next response could be the ultimate burn, for politicians (intentionally or not) tend to parrot social media memes, including the time Ben Carson repeated a fake Stalin quote (which circulated on Facebook) during a debate.


A few hours earlier, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who previously said Obama’s directive would end public schools, tweeted this nifty signage.

Patrick was promptly greeted by this little gem in reply, which means Twitter won today’s battle. There’s always tomorrow, however. The angry ones will rise up and tweet again.
