Donald Trump may not be able to win more than one presidential election (so far), but at least he’s great at golf. Or so he says. Some have disputed his claims of mighty golfing prowess (and the people he gets money from to keep them going), and what went down during a tournament at one of his own courses only it that much fishier.
Over the weekend, the former president nabbed the gold medal at the Senior Club championship at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach over the weekend. Good for him! The big guy sure could use a win these days. It was a short tournament, only two days long. The thing is, he only made half of it.
On Saturday, instead of being down in Florida near the resort in which he now lives, Trump was making headlines some 600 miles away in Fayetteville, North Carolina. There he attended the memorial service for Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway, one half of the MAGA cheerleaders Diamond and Silk. Diamond recently passed away suddenly. Trump honored her with a speech in which he admitted he had no idea who her sister, Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, was.
Rather than insulting the dearly departed’s sister — and talking about himself, of course — Trump could have been at his own course, fighting to win a championship. He did anyway. But if you thought he was able to beat everyone in half the time, you’re mistaken. As per The Daily Mail, he’s reported to have told members that he played a killer game on Thursday, and that counted for the championship.
The Daily Beast asked his campaign spokesperson to explain the discrepancy, but they dodged the question, responding, “In addition to being an excellent golfer, President Trump is an even better human being. He was honored to be in North Carolina on Saturday to celebrate the life of Diamond, a remarkable individual whose legacy will continue to live on.”
So to recap: The presumptive presidential nominee for the Republican party spent the weekend: a) making things awkward at a memorial and b) rewriting the rules of a golf tournament so that he won. And they say he’ll have trouble winning back South Carolina.
(Via The Daily Mail and The Daily Beast)