This past Saturday, the 23rd, just about every Tumblr user received the following anonymous spam message in their Tumblr inbox:
Pretty sure you’ve always wanted to see me naked.. Well.. I’m feeling pretty adventurous today so go to datelink5(dot)com (switch [dot] with .) then sign up and find my profile under the username ‘lolsummer69’. I hid my face in the pictures. but I want you to guess who I am and then hit me up on Facebook lol. Good luck.
Some users apparently kept getting it over and over again, while some, like the UPROXX Tumblr you should be following, never saw received one at all (insert forever alone face here). I haven’t braved the actual scavenger hunt for naked photos because I’m not big on viruses or people assuming I want to see them naked (get it through your collective heads my friends’ moms!).
When you tease an internet community as big as Tumblr’s with a scavenger hunt for naked photos and fun lines like “Pretty sure you’ve always wanted to see me naked” and “I hid my face in the pictures” you’ve lined yourself up for meme material, and there’s some pretty hilarious stuff going around, the best of which I’ve collected here. I really appreciate the disproportionate amount of Mean Girls memes used, as I like to imagine LOLSummer69 is actually Lindsay Lohan and someone out there is giving us subtle hints. Enjoy!
Source: Tumblr
Oh yeah, the spam username apparently changed to “summatime205276” at some point.