Earlier today I started typing a post about the below Ron Swanson Trader Joe’s bacon special that’s been everywhere today thanks to Eater, but I got sidetracked when a foxy UPS lady dropped off a package and proceeded to ask questions about my hard drive. But just now the photo reappeared on Splitsider accompanied by a Tom Haverfood variation, so it’s time to get to typing.
The someone who really likes Parks & Recreation is a talented young lady named Elisa Ortiz, who wrote into Splitsider with a photo of the Tom Haverford version she also made for the store. I think the fine folks behind at Parks & Rec are a little cooler about this sort of thing then say, maybe, George Lucas, so hopefully Elisa and the Centreville, VA Trader Joe’s are allowed to continue to use these signs without issue. Only thing I would like to remind everyone is that Ron Swanson would never shop at Trader Joe’s. He’s Food & Stuff for life. Video reminder after the jump.
Source: Splitsider