Whoever running the Twitter account for Total Beauty, a website dedicated to bringing “expert advice, beauty samples & deals, how-to tips & tricks, and thousands of unbiased product reviews,” tweeted out the above photo from the Oscars red carpet claiming that they did not know Oprah has tattoos. The only problem being that Oprah doesn’t have tattoos. (At least not where we can see, right Ophs? *wink, wink, nudge nudge*)
Obviously the woman in this photo is Whoopi Goldberg — not Oprah — and the timing of the mix-up is certainly not the best considering the #OscarsSoWhite controversy plaguing this year’s awards. The tweet has since been pulled, but it not before Total Beauty became the subject of absolute, crushing ridicule on the internet, as their error quickly went viral.
Here are just a few of the responses so far:
Come on @TotalBeauty
There are only a few of us there smh
Sorry @WhoopiGoldberg 😶#screenshot pic.twitter.com/HYjdCVTdyI— Holly Robinson Peete 💃🏾♍️ (@hollyrpeete) February 29, 2016
.@TotalBeauty mix-up #Oscars pic.twitter.com/z95Ys9Z5VO
— Ron Erdos (@RonErdos) February 29, 2016
Every time I get down on myself for doing something stupid, I'll remember that @TotalBeauty /Oprah-Whoopie fiasco, and I'll feel much better
— haunted tweet (@zandywithaz) February 29, 2016
Break a leg, Chris Rock!
me & @TotalBeauty pic.twitter.com/zkPltWdggt— haunted tweet (@zandywithaz) February 29, 2016
@TotalBeauty that's not Oprah, that's Meryl.
— Jenny Reiswig (@jenfoolery) February 29, 2016
Wow guys not cool. "RT @TotalBeauty: Oprah & longtime beau Stedman Graham looking hot on the #Oscars #RedCarpet!🔥" pic.twitter.com/pJ7mK4RwZ7
— Kevin Marshall (@KevinMarshall) February 29, 2016
Total Beauty deleted the tweet, probably because they realized those tats were fake.
— Chris Scott (@iamchrisscott) February 29, 2016
How Oprah feels after @TotalBeauty's mix-up: pic.twitter.com/WUYxGL6UC9
— New York Post (@nypost) February 29, 2016
@TotalBeauty @Oprah yo that's Busta Rhymes
— Zoo With Roy (@zoowithroy) February 29, 2016
Sorry @TotalBeauty we cannot let this go… #Oscars2016 pic.twitter.com/EhHdDxao1j
— Oliver Chinyere (@Oliverdirtyb) February 29, 2016
What?? Again??? RT @TotalBeauty Good luck Ben Affleck pic.twitter.com/hsPx7fqU6h
— Justin Stangel (@Justin_Stangel) February 29, 2016
.@TotalBeauty has apparently deleted the tweet, but you know, technology. #Oscars pic.twitter.com/FqsVDnMmF9
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) February 29, 2016
aaaaand @TotalBeauty finally deleted it. anyone get a full Time To Deletion count? i estimate around 45 mins.
— Martin Scorswayze (@lucyswope) February 29, 2016
Someone at @TotalBeauty should just be getting fired tonight…. pic.twitter.com/biwP1xPR5E
— Mikelle Street (@MikelleStreet) February 29, 2016
The website eventually tweeted an apology, but at this point the damage has already been done. This might end up being the most entertaining thing to come out of this entire night, Chris Tucker’s opening monologue included.