Bret Hart Wants You To Know That He Has Nothing To Do With Ted Cruz

Bret Hart isn’t ever afraid to speak his mind when he wants to distance himself from someone. Just ask Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels and Triple H and Ric Flair and… you get it. So, when he posted a pic of himself with Ted Cruz, he wanted to clarify that he doesn’t f*ck with Ted Cruz in any way, shape or form. This is both random and great, and it gives me a hearty laugh.

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Anyone else want Bret to give a full-on report on his political stance and how his platforms differ from Cruz’s? Because I’m not sure I wouldn’t vote for Bret. Even if he thinks America is shaped like a toilet bowl, is dumber than Canada and full of degenerates. Why not?

Cruz has yet to respond… but it’s probably forthcoming, right?