Stone Cold Steve Austin Thinks Hulk Hogan Can Be Forgiven For His ‘Bad Day’

Stone Cold Steve Austin took a break from his busy mudhole stompin’ schedule to phone into TMZ Live on Wednesday. The WWE legend, who recently made an unexpected appearance at WrestleMania 32, was asked to weight in on the potential return of another wrestling legend: Hulk Hogan.

Hulk Hogan’s had a tremendous run. He got into, y’know, some issues… Maybe in time when all that washes away he’ll make a comeback.

He’s the one who’s gotta weather the storm, you know, since it is a public company now. How soon or how long does it take for something like that to be forgotten, let alone just forgiven? You can never forget it, but can you forgive it? Yes. We’ll see what happens. I’ll leave that to them.

That ‘bad day’ of course refers to the revelation that Hulk Hogan’s now infamous sex tape contained audio of him uttering numerous racist and homophobic slurs, and his subsequent firing from WWE and removal from its Hall of Fame.

Now, look. We all know it’s foolish to pretend that a few bigoted comments are going to keep you out of WWE’s good graces, and bar you from ever coming back. It’s just a matter of time before we find out how publicly forgiving WWE is willing to be.