Listen To Jerry Lawler’s Embarrassing New Audio Botch In ‘WWE 2K17’

One of the things fans look forward to with every new WWE 2K game is all the hilarious glitches. We’ve already brought you the best of those glitches from WWE 2K17, since the game came out way back in October, but the downloadable content for the game appears to be the gift that keeps on giving, because now we’ve got an all-new error, the likes of which we’ve never heard before.

2K has just released a new “Hall of Fame Showcase” that includes a bunch of classic and dream matches, but they somehow failed to catch (or neglected to fix) a simply spectacular and extended audio error that will pop up during the Godfather vs. Papa Shango “dream match” that is included in the showcase. BEHOLD THE GLORY:

It just keeps going! Lawler gets in like three takes, plus an “oh, you’re right” aside. Of course, none of this is Lawler’s fault. These commentary recording sessions are lengthy, and reading page after page of script for every eventuality (read: four eventualities) is daunting. That doesn’t make it any less hilarious that he gets tripped up on “Right to Censor” after he spent a year of his life screaming about how much he hated them and their anti-puppies stance.