Michael Ian Black Weighs In On The Charleston Tragedy: ‘Time To Start Racially Profiling White Dudes’

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In the wake of the mass murder of nine people in Charleston, the alleged shooter, Dylann Storm Roof, remains in custody. We’ve heard from our nation’s leader as the public struggles to comprehend such unspeakable violence. Media figures known for injecting humor into current events have gone somber, but social media treats things differently. Few people are joking there either, but discussions (some more civil than others) are ongoing.

Michael Ian Black, who never fears wading into controversial territory, noted how perpetrators of several prominent instances of mass violence have one thing in common.


People immediately called out Black for including the Boston bombers (Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev) on this list. These folks failed to recognize how the Tsarnaev brothers are literally Caucasian (their families hail from Caucasus).




Black also heard from people who took his tongue-in-cheek Twitter profile description (“Fox News terrorism analyst, former CIA”) seriously.


Finally, a journalist tried to convince Black he was wrong. Miami Herald columnist AJ Delgado insisted Roof didn’t look white in surveillance footage: “I know media wants to run a racial angle here but the guy doesn’t look white? … None of this story adds up. Even if a ‘white supremacist,’ their targets/hatred isn’t usually church-going African-Americans.” Delgado has since deleted her Twitter profile.

(via Raw Story)