Most experts agree that drone laws and regulations are too tight and we’re liable to legislate a potentially society-changing technology into uselessness if we’re not careful. But what can you do when drones have such a high potential for misuse? At this point any idiot working more than 20 hours a week can scrape together enough for their own quadricopter. And when idiots fly quadricopters, incidents like this happen via NBC News:
A 2-pound drone, which costs about $1,200, crashed into a building during Sunday’s festivities and fell into the crowd, striking the unidentified 25-year-old woman in the head, Seattle police said Monday.
Her boyfriend caught her as she fell, and an off-duty firefighter treated the woman until police arrived.
Det. Patrick Michaud, a spokesman for the Seattle police, told NBC News the collision left the woman with “not a gentle concussion.”
Police said they’re seeking the drone’s pilot, described as an unshaven white man in his 20s with “a noticeable tattoo of a woman somewhere on his body.”
Well doesn’t that just describe about a third of the population of Seattle.
Here’s hoping this guy is caught and they throw the book at him. Perhaps two books – one with state laws and the other with Federal Aviation Administration laws. As someone who won’t even fly a kite near other people, I have no patience for dopes willing to pilot a heavy chunk of spinning metal over a crowd and near buildings. These people are gonna ruin the drone fun for everyone.
(Via NBC News)