Something Awkward Fell Out Of This Singer’s Dress On Live TV

The consensus around the internet is that this is a sanitary pad that fell out of Latin American singer Paty Navidad’s dress, who was performing on Univision’s Despierta América earlier this week. (You can see something white fall out of her dress at about the 0:10 mark in the above video.) But is it, though? Either her legs are really shiny, or it looks like she’s wearing pantyhose. And even if not, that’s a pretty damn short dress. As the Latin Times points out, wouldn’t she be wearing underwear? And not to get too real with you here, but… it looks relatively uh, clean, if it is indeed, a sanitary napkin.

Personally, I want to call it a falsie that somehow traveled down from her chest region. But because they’re so well-verse on the subject, I’d like to check in with Key & Peele just to be sure.

(via YouTube)