The Internet Reacts To Lexi, The Fall Out Boy Fan Who ‘Protected’ Cops In Ferguson

Two dozen protestors were arrested in Ferguson, Mo. on Monday evening, a year and a day after police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen. The scene looked eerily like the demonstrations from last year, with one exception: 19-year-old Lexi, who figuratively protected the body armor-wearing police with only a Fall Out Boy shirt and black-rimmed glasses. “I’d rather get hit by something,” she said, “than let it hit them.”

What else did you see going on? Was there much violence? Pepper spray?

The most violent thing that happened when I was right by the cops was a water bottle was thrown, and it was pretty nerve-wracking because you never know what was being thrown. I just felt bad for them because it was a lot of slurs. It’s not like all the cops are doing it because they want to, it’s their job, they have to. (Via)

The St. Louis University student told the Blaze that she traveled to Ferguson because, “Not all cops are bad. And that’s just what upsets me. When I call someone if someone robs me, I call the police. They are there to help us.” In both this interview, and one with Noisey, where she calls herself “like a figurehead almost,” Lexi sounds shocked that some people don’t trust the police, despite admitting, “I know if I was pulled over, compared to a black man, I know I’m going to get off free.” Just because they’re there for her, a white girl, doesn’t mean they’re there for everyone.

She’s become a symbol of privilege. And also a damn funny meme.