When Marcy Borders died of stomach cancer earlier this month, her family echoed her sentiments that her disease was a direct result of the attacks of September 11, 2001. The subject of the famous “Dust Lady” photo by Stan Honda, Borders had been covered from head to toe in dust that filled the air after the Twin Towers collapsed. She recalled choking on it, meaning it had definitely entered her body. And while she suffered psychological and emotional breakdowns following the attacks, Borders recovered only to be diagnosed with cancer in 2014.
Now Borders’ family believes that her name should be added to the official list of 9/11 victims and have a spot on the memorial in New York City. It wouldn’t be the first time that someone who died after developing symptoms after the dust had settled would be added to the memorial:
The three victims belatedly added to the 9/11 death toll include Felicia Dunn-Jones, 42, who was covered in ash as the towers fell and died of sarcoidosis, a lung disease, five months later; Leon Heyward, who helped evacuate disabled employees from 42 Broadway and died of lymphoma at age 45 in 2008; and Jerry Borg, whose death at age 63 from pulmonary sarcoidosis, after he breathed in dust from the WTC collapse, was ruled a homicide in June 2011.
An investigation by the medical examiner would have to determine that Borders’ cancer was caused by exposure on the day of the attacks; stomach cancer is, however, one of the ailments that is covered by the federal 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund, so it’s not out of the question that Borders could receive the recognition she deserves.
Source: New York Post