The Most-Messaged Woman On OkCupid’s ‘Realistic’ Photos May Convince You Of Her Advice

The vivacious Lauren Urasek didn’t set out (entirely) for fame, but she sort of landed upon it when confronted with an interview prospect from NY Mag. The paper rang Lauren for a chat after determining her one of the “most desired people in New York.” Lauren’s OkCupid profile is a fun one for sure. Even if you’re not a member of the dating site, her Instagram profile hosts a variety of candid and posed shots, all filtered (because that’s what the Internet does). She’s not only gorgeous but possesses an upfront attitude. Lauren does include some suggestive “honey melting over mouth” photos, but hey, many people have fallen into those moments of weakness.

All told, Lauren’s profile possesses strengths that surpass her brazen attitude and outright physical appeal. She claims to receive over three dozen emails on a daily basis. She also boasts a five-star rating from over 8,000 men during her tenure on the site (less than a year). Lauren gave an interview to Cosmo Australia, but before we go too far, let’s acknowledge the sad truth of the Internet. Lauren has felt the deluge of Internet criticism after she dared to deliver online dating advice in an appropriate forum, and she’s posted a response against the “haters.”

In case you were wondering whether Lauren has truly received trolls, the comments on that photo tell the tale. Life isn’t easy for women on the Internet, but Lauren is not deterred. She’s also followed one of her own tips by posting a “realistic yet flattering full-body photo” picture, which features in her OkCupid emails.

Here’s the “I am willing to tolerate your sports obsession” photo, which (sorry, guys) is a thing. We (mostly) care about your sports, but it’s up to you to care whether or not we care.

Here’s the “conversational” piece photo that Lauren suggests. Sadly, I am reminded of the James Franco movie, 127 Hours, where he ends up trapped in a rock crevice and is forced to gnaw off his own arm. This is only a slight exaggeration to what you see here.

Lauren’s a lovely woman, for sure, but the below Instagram post will not win her mega fans. It doesn’t help, ever, to bring up income disparity between prospective mates. One should save this disclosure for the fifth date when spirits have already been broken.

Did I mention that Lauren has written a book, Popular, about online dating? Girlfriend is gorgeous, and she’s smart as well. She’s also rather fearless to position herself as an expert in the harsh realm of the Internet.

(Via NY Mag & Cosmopolitan Australia)