Find The Minnie To Your Mickey With This New Disney-Specific Dating Website

First it was bacon-lovers. Then it was frequent fliers. Now, the personalized dating website trend has finally made it around to everyone waiting for Prince (or Princess!) Charming to arrive via horseback. Launched yesterday, Mouse Mingle calls itself “the place to connect people who love Disney and who want that same magic in their relationship.”

People like @chairbear_sst:

Dave Tavres — founder of Mouse Mingle and former engineer on the Disneyland railroad — knows how hard it is to love a multinational corporation without said love EVER leading to a passionate, affectionate, and stable relationship. In an interview with Los Angeles Magazine, he dished on his own Disney dating woes. “I’m not the guy who hits on women at the park, and there’s no flag that says, ‘Hey I’m single.’ I found it hard to find women who were as interested in Disney as I am.”

The actual idea for the dating website came later, after a 2011 trip to Disneyland with his friends. “As usual…they asked about my dating status and why I wasn’t trying the online dating sites,” he wrote in an email to Mashable. “I told them I had tried them, but there was no way to narrow down the searches to find women in the right distance and age range who loved Disney. That was the inception moment.”

That was the inception moment, indeed.

As it turns out, there are a lot of women as interested in Mickey Mouse & Co. as Tavres is. The website is already populated with a healthy number of both female and male profiles alike, most of whom seem to have a penchant for putting up profile pictures of themselves at Disney. Makes complete sense.

The website itself goes beyond just the standard dating and compatibility questions and asks more in-depth, Disney specific things, from favorite Disney songs to Star Wars nerd-level. And while viewing the photos is free, a monthly membership — and the ability to actually contact your potential future Cinderella—costs $12.55.*

*Because Disneyland opened in ’55, see? If you were a true fan, you would get it. 

It’s a small, small world out there, but now it’s just a bit smaller for those looking for park/life partners.