Did Carly Fiorina Cross The Line With This Appalling ‘Joke’ At The Expense Of President Obama?

Carly Fiorina released this video with the Independent Journal ahead of Tuesday evening’s latest GOP debate, in which the Republican presidential candidate attempts to come off as down-to-Earth, while explaining why dogs are better than cats. Fiorina’s reasons why dogs are the superior species include that, with dogs, you have “your own security detail,” a dog is sad when you’re gone, and how the fluffy white ones are “always so friendly.” And then the record-scratching moment arrives. Out of nowhere, Fiorina tells two puppies: “You know, President Obama ate one of your cousins.” She then looks into the camera and says, “Vote Republican.”

COME AGAIN, CARLY FIORINA? Of all the hateful, dishonest rhetoric spewed by conservatives, that President Obama eats dogs is certainly raising the bar, so good job there. [Update: Fiorina was apparently referencing Obama once having been fed dog meat as a child in Indonesia, but that doesn’t change anything.] Aside from the fact that Obama is, in fact, the owner of two beloved pooches — Portuguese Water Dogs “Bo” and “Sunny” — what point is she even trying to make here? Is this presidential race even real anymore?

Not that anyone should be surprised that this is what passes for political decorum these days. And to think that this woman is not even the most terrifying candidate by a long shot.

(Independent Journal via The Hill)

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