‘Making A Murderer’: Are Pro Wrestlers Putting Brendan Dassey’s Life In Danger?

A kind-hearted attempt by Brendan Dassey’s brother Brad (yes, the same Brad who just released a rap single) to get pro wrestlers to visit him in jail may actually be making things worse for the convicted murderer.

The nephew of Making A Murderer‘s Steven Avery is spending life in prison for helping Avery kill and dismember Teresa Halbach, charges very few people believe after watching the Netflix documentary. Somehow, nothing revealed in the series has been enough to earn Brendan a new trial, so he continues to sit in a jail cell.

But now that jail cell is going to change because of all the attention being put on Dassey … specifically by Brad Dassey’s call for visits from wrestlers. Here’s a Facebook message made by Brendan’s cousin Carla Chase:

The specifics of why Brad “pushing the issue of having a wrestler go visit” would cause the prison to fear Brendan was in danger isn’t made 100 percent clear. But I imagine when other inmates learn that a famous person might come visit the prison, they’re liable to get a bit riled up. Who knows? Maybe something as simple as pledging your fandom for Kane instead of the Undertaker can get you shanked. As Orange Is The New Black has taught me, prison is a complicated, sexy, and dangerous place to be.

On the plus side, Brendan may end up being moved closer to home than before. So in that way, this could be a win? Moreso than a visit from X-Pac would have been, anyways.


Now Watch: Leave It To The Internet: Web Detectives Find New Evidence In Steve Avery Case