If ever there was a reminder to stay in your lane and not be a hero, it’s this story brought to you courtesy of a writer who wanted to save lives but accidentally ended up being the world’s most embarrassing cock-block (yes, even worse than your dad!). Fortunately for us, Joe Craig, the guy who’s at the gooey center of this cringe-fest was kind enough to share the whole incident on Twitter, where he recounted every detail of the horror that he was met with when he tried to help someone who was “screaming.”
According to Mashable, Craig tweeted out his story after teasing users about a very funny thing that happened to him that he couldn’t share while everyone was eating lunch. That kind of build-up usually leads to crushing disappointment (much like most backseat dalliances), but in this case it’s a pleasant (for us) and hilarious surprise.
Here’s the story: (All screenshots taken from Craig’s Twitter which you can see here.)
And, just to give you some perspective, it’s not a small dog we’re talking about here. Imagine you’re naked, having sex in the backseat of a car, a man’s just opened the back and you think he’s going to kill you…and then this jumps on top of you:
Oh, the things this poor boy has seen/done/sat on/tasted. #harpo pic.twitter.com/NOE4MFy5bp
— Joe Craig (@joecraiguk) January 28, 2016
Not good. It might be enough to make you never want to have sex again. Of course, all this could have been avoided if the couple had rented a very expensive Netflix & Chill room on Airbnb, but hindsight’s 20/20, I guess. Plus, now this couple has a good story. At least theirs didn’t end in them plowing into a seafood truck due to their fervent lovemaking. All’s well that ends well?