Hulk Hogan Will Be In Dallas On WrestleMania Weekend, And Thinks He’ll Be Back With WWE

Things have been coming together for a while now. Since the racism scandal that got him fired from WWE and scrubbed from their history and Hall of Fame, disgraced wrestling legend Hulk Hogan has been on an apology tour. He’s cried on Good Morning America, pointed fingers at everyone he can think of and explained the situation in excruciating detail to Sports Illustrated, all the while noting that he’s still in training for a WrestleMania match and wants to be at Mania 32 in Texas. Triple H has even said he hopes Hogan can return to WWE and make amends. So this is happening, right? Sooner rather than later?

According to the most recent speculation from Yonder Observer, Hogan is making appearances in DFW on WrestleMania weekend, and the impression everyone booking him gets is that he’ll be back in WWE this year … possibly even at this year’s WrestleMania. If you’re trying to sell out a stadium with Braun Strowman matches and half your roster’s injured, you need all the big names and publicity (good or bad) you can get.

The other note here is that Hogan is charging bookers a “shockingly low” appearance rate for the weekend, described as “a tenth or less” of what he normally asks. It looks like the Hulkster learned a lesson about his current drawing power while he was having to flyer outside of WWE live events. If one of the biggest stars in wrestling history is cripplingly apologetic and available to work for peanuts, could WWE even say no?

Followup question: Can we open WrestleMania with 10 minutes of The New Day roasting Hogan with a live mic? That might make this entire thing worth it.

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