Larry David Reveals He’s Not ‘Master Of His Domain’ During His Hilarious Anti-Monologue On ‘SNL’

Larry David’s monologue ahead of SNL wasn’t some sort of protest or anti-version of your typical monologue. Instead, it was the anti-monologue because this is Larry David. He’s not going to go out and praise himself like a normal guest, he’s not going to sign and dance, and he’s certainly not going to place some sort of unrealistic goal on the show. We have a great show? Don’t even try it.

David spends close to 5 minutes riffing on the differences between schmucks and pricks, why he’s more of a guest than an actual host, and Jewish kids with eating disorders. If you aren’t picturing Frank and Estelle Costanza during the shouting session about the brisket, you need to spend some time watching old Seinfeld episodes.

The real highlight is introducing the band, The 1975, by parlaying it into a masturbation joke. It’s the year David broke his own personal record with 412 times. That’s not just a minor slip off your throne as “master of your domain,” that’s taking the throne and burning it outside because you’re too busy locking yourself in your masturbatorium. This could be a closet like Billy Madison, a plain white room with some nice music and flowers, or the scruffy bathroom at the gas station down the street. Not the cleanest, but it adds to the character of the moment.

(Via SNL)

Now Watch: How Much Is Larry David Like His Character on ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’?