Will Ferrell Switches Teams And Stumps For Hillary Clinton In Nevada

Will Ferrell has been assumed to be a supporter of Bernie Sanders for president to the point where Bill O’Reilly challenged him to a showdown. Now Ferrell has apparently switched allegiances and is campaigning for Hillary Clinton.

Clinton posted video of Ferrell campaigning for her in Nevada Saturday morning. In it, Ferrell repeatedly says, “11 AM!” This is the time that the Nevada Caucus starts. He submits to taking photos with ordinary Nevadans in the hopes that they’ll head to a Caucus location and vote for Hillary. Ferrell also scores some chocolate custard, and says, “11 AM! It’s really important that everyone show up to caucus. Amazing turnout. Amazing chocolate custard yogurt here.”

You can watch the video below, or in the YouTube clip above.

According to CNN, Ferrell recently showed up on a list of celebrity endorsements for Bernie Sanders. Neither Sanders’ campaign nor Ferrell have commented on this apparent switch yet. Clinton’s people said that the actor has donated money to her campaign and will co-host a fundraiser for her in Los Angeles on Monday.

Will Ferrell’s name isn’t on this list of celebrity endorsements (his partner in crime, John C. Reilly, is, however). Oh well. Bernie Sanders still has Killer Mike.

(via CNN)