Saint Patrick’s Day Is Getting Weird With Today’s Fastest-Rising Adult Film Search Terms


If there are two things people take very seriously, it’s Saint Patrick’s Day and porn. And thanks to the power of the internet, these are also two things that no longer need to be celebrated independently anymore, as evidenced by Pornhub’s fastest-rising St. Paddy’s related adult-film searches. As they did with Easter last year, Pornhub’s statisticians examined data from 2015’s Saint Patrick’s Day to give an idea of what people are going to be looking for to get their rocks off today, and you know what? Y’all are some freaks out there.

For starters, here’s the infographics of search terms that increase on Saint Patrick’s Day, with “leprechaun” leading by more than 8,000 percent.

They also put together some helpful data to give an idea of just how much Irish-related searches spike around this time of year.

Even if St. Paddy’s revelers aren’t intentionally searching for themed searches, they still factor in because their drunk asses can’t spell after all that green beer.

However you decide to celebrate this year, please do so safely. May the luck of the Irish be with you!

(Via Pornhub Insights)