John Cena Just Turned Those ‘John Cena Sucks’ Chants Into Your Next Ringtone

You’ve likely heard it before if you’ve visited a WWE live event or watched a show on television, but fans aren’t always kind to John Cena. There are plenty of fans who chant out “Cena Sucks” during the show and even take the time to turn his theme music into their own little knock against him. Instead of those familiar trumpets that signal disdain, they replace it with the words, “John Cena sucks” in tune with the song.

Cena talks a bit about it during his visit to Conan and reveals that he actually enjoys the boos and jeers from the crowd, mostly because an energetic crowd is a good crowd. And really, there’s plenty to like about this. It isn’t exactly Kurt Angle being told “You Suck” during his entrance music, it’s far more personal and takes a bit more talent to execute. Not much, but a bit more.

Andy is right, this should already be your ring tone. If it isn’t, you need to rectify that. Say goodbye to that crappy generic ring tone or your favorite Fleetwood Mac song. There’s a new king in town and it hates John Cena. Download today and join in on the fun. Cena will be excited to join you.

(Via Team Coco)