This Hydraulic Press Crushing ‘Exploding Things’ Is Oddly Mesmerizing

There are plenty of uses for modern technology. Just about everything is designed with a practical use in mind, but because this is the internet, we thumb our noses at stuff like practical and instead look towards ways to brighten up our existence through crazy videos. I mean, look, I’ve witnessed a chainsaw strapped onto a drone slicing through snowmen, that’s not what any of that was intended for.

Apparently there is an entire YouTube channel called “Hydraulic Press Channel” where they — get this — use a hydraulic press to crush things. Don’t believe me? They’ve crushed a bowling ball before. A bowling ball. The latest installment of this modern day Masterpiece Theater shows what happens when you place things that are prone to exploding under said press.

Yes, because if a hydraulic press crushing stuff wasn’t enough for you already, this team wants to show you explosions as well. I kind of feel like this channel cuts right to the heart of the what humans like. We like to destroy things, we like to test out the limits of our powers, and we like to enjoy doing all of these things from a few taps on our smartphones. It’s beautiful.

(Via Hydraulic Press Channel)