The Next Level: These Podcasts Will Supercharge Your Powers Of Productivity

The Next Level is a new bi-weekly column that will rate, evaluate, and comment on the content that can help you improve your quality of life. Books, apps, podcasts, websites — we’ll detail the tools that will hep you achieve your goals — whether they pertain to time-management, fitness, productivity, or self-confidence. 

Podcasts are a great/free/semi-passive way to allow high-level ideas to filter into your brain. Just pop one on before you go to bed, on a run, or in the car and you’re likely to come across a nugget of info that changes your life and motivates you to be better. For this list, we’re focusing on podcasts that can help improve your powers of productivity. Not all of these podcasts focus just on productivity, so you should peruse the episode guide for each show and find the content that suits you.

Here are the nine podcasts you should listen to if you want to start crossing stuff off of your to-do list like a superpowered warrior:

1) The Tim Ferriss Show

What it’s about: Tim Ferriss is the author of The Four-Hour Workweek, a horseback archer in Japan, an advisor to Olympic athletes, and an all-around guru when it come to lifehacking. His podcast usually sees him interview some kind of luminary in the field of motivation and productivity, but he’s also an expert in his own right. Some recent guests include Mike Rowe, Edward Norton, and Morgan Spurlock.

Start with: “The Habits of the Master — Paulo Coelho, Author of The Alchemist

2) The School of Greatness With Lewis Howes

What it’s about: Lewis Howes is an author and former pro football player, but he’s also one of the best business and lifestyle coaches in the nation. The School of Greatness podcast launched in 2013, and it’s one of the most downloaded self-help shows on iTunes. Howes is a great interviewer, and his shows are motivating, inspiring, and highly informative. You’re going to want to take notes when you listen to his content.

Start with: “Transform Your Life: 10 Principals of Abundance and Prosperity”

3) The Accidental Creative

What it’s about: If you want your audible motivation in bite-sized chunks, then look no further. The Accidental Creative, hosted by author Todd Henry (Louder Than Words), rarely runs over the 30 minute mark, but the episodes are chock full of practical advice that you can apply to your daily routine. Where some self-help podcasts provide abstract and fleeting ideas, Henry drills down to the core and gifts listeners manifestable gems of wisdom.

Start with: “5 Non-Obvious (But Effective) Habits”

4) The New Man

What it’s about: The New Man is a podcast and site that focuses on transforming you into the awesome man you’ve always wanted to be. If you like extra content with your podcast, be sure to download one or two of their free e-books — they’re pretty great. The podcast isn’t as regular as some of the other shows on this list, but when an episode is released, it’s usually a winner.

Start with: “175 Career Transition: Will You Be a King or a Prince? — Marc David”

5) Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips To Work Less and Do More

What it’s about: So you’re starved for time, and you only get a 15 minute break at work. Hell, sometimes you’re lucky if you get that. (You should really speak to your boss about this.) This podcast is perfect for those who barely have the bandwidth to fit in 40-minute talks in their schedule because each episode is only about 10-minutes long. No fluff here — use these awesome tips to get started immediately on cleaning up your work process.

Start with: “How to Organize Contacts to Maximize Productivity”

6) The Productivity Show by Asian Efficiency

What it’s about: Asian Efficiency is a great resource that’s dedicated to the quest for better productivity. With a new episode every week, TPS tackles topics like email overload, running successful meetings, managing your energy, and more. Definitely give this a listen if your desk is cluttered and you can’t seem to fight your way through the mess.

Start with: “Stop Email Overload”

7) The 5 AM Miracle

What it’s about: Recently, I’ve begun waking at 6:30 am, and even though I don’t start work until 8 am, that extra time away allows me to gather my thoughts, throw in a workout, and get one or two chores done. The 5 AM Miracle podcast has guided me in my early journey, but episodes are not solely related to getting out of bed sooner. Check out this show if you’re interested in fitness, simple life hacks, and goal-planning.

Start with: “Step-by-Step Life Planning with Daniel Harkavy”

8) The Art of Manliness

What it’s about: Don’t let the title fool you — TAOM is not just about pushing testosterone-testing pounds at the gym. There’s some seriously brainy stuff happening on this show, and recent episodes confronted topics like existentialism, Theodore Roosevelt, and classical education.

Start with: “The Science of Self-Motivation & Productivity — Charles Duhigg”

9) Beyond the To-Do List

Start with: If you’ve ever felt bogged down by the enormous to-do list sitting in front of you with little to no checkmarks next to each entry, then this is the podcast for you. Each episode takes on a different topic, and interviews with top names in the field of productivity will extend your knowledge of efficient programs, products, and tools.

Start with: “Procrastination: Chris Bailey on Time, Focus and the Rule of Three”